We know that a computer is an electronic data processing device, which accepts data, stores it and processes the data to generates the desired output in a required format.
In the previous article, we discussed - what is a computer. Now we will discuss different functionalities of a computer system, its advantages, and its disadvantages.
The basic functionality of a computer system is to take input, store it and perform an operation and then give output. These functionalities can be divided into different steps which are as follows :
- Take data as input from the user using input devices like a keyboard.
- Store the data in its memory.
- Perform some arithmetic or logic operation according to user requirement.
- Display the output to the user using the output devices like a monitor.
Advantages of computer:
Following are some advantages of computers.
High Speed
- Computers work in a very high speed and have units of speed in a microsecond, nanosecond, and even the picosecond.
- It is capable of performing 3-4 millions of instructions per second.
- Computers perform all the operation with 100% accuracy.
Storage Capacity
- Computers have a large volume of space to store data.
- Stored data can be retrieved anytime from memory.
- It can store different types of data such as images, videos, audios, text, etc,.
Disadvantages of computer:
Following are some disadvantages of computers.
- The computer is fully dependant on the user's instruction.
No I.Q.
- It has no intelligence to perform any task on its own.
- Each instruction has to be given to the computer.
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